Case Study
Nixor Solutions were invited to work with Sellafield, who have led the development of the UK’s nuclear industry, from the production of plutonium for the country’s nuclear deterrent programme through to the development of nuclear power generation.
Our team identified lost time and improvement opportunities within a key process and delivered a number of training sessions to ensure a clear and consistent understanding of Lean combined with practical familiarisation with our Fast Pass® app along with a demonstration of Instant Insights® to show how the data collected in the apps is used to visualise real-time status, predict completions, identify waste and improve processes.
“It’s not just a management tool... it’s something that helps us do our job more effectively.”
Operation and Outcome
Following team training and simulation, our work commenced running in ‘data capture’ mode whilst providing hands on support to supervisors and users to ensure the effective operation of the system. After several weeks of data capture to establish an accurate baseline, we switched to ‘predictive running’ to show predicted task and process completion.
Instant Insights® provided local and remote real-time visualisation of the process and accurate loss logging on problems and downtime. Our analytics and reports clearly identified significant lost time and variations in process performance with the opportunity for a four fold reduction in cycle times within the process.
Our approach is now being rolled out across 12 areas of the business.